Summertime brings about one of our favorites seasons, Wedding Season! Whether we are single, married, looking, committed, or what have you, we all secretly in our heart of hearts love weddings! From dream shoes to dream man/woman, we have all thought about that big day and dreamed of it to be better than anything. So how do you really even know whether you are getting married to the right person for you or not?
Here is a tip, if you are walking down that aisle or waiting at the altar and suddenly while you are SUPPOSED to be thinking of how lucky you are to be marrying the person of your dreams, you have this thought, “I am making the biggest mistake of my life” or “shoot, I don’t know if I am marrying the right person…” and even if this thought is for the briefest instant, a good majority of people that have divorced, said they had this thought when they walked down the aisle or waited at the altar. I don’t know what percentage; it was some large 80% type statistic, but bottom line, if you have that thought as you are JUST about to get married… Do what you have to do, but realize that the signs leading up to point were all there.
Here are some tips to tell whether you are marrying the right person or not… Does this person understand you? How well do they understand you? How often and how much do you fight? Are you guys public in your fights? Does the world know about how many problems you have? Perhaps its not even the problems you need to watch for, because really what couple doesn’t face problems? Perhaps you just need a good look at yourself and ask yourself is this the one person I want to be with for the rest of my and be there for, for the rest of my life? Most important of all, listen to your gut instincts, we routinely ignore what our insides are screaming at us until we have no choice to listen, by then its too late. So listen to your gut before it’s too late. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right.
Don’t forget, marriage isn’t simply a day, you may wear your wedding shoes physically on that one day, but don’t forget, those are the shoes you walk in for life.