Saturday, November 5, 2011

The TOMS Shoes: Walking the path of appreciation, kindness, and generosity

Communication is key. In today’s world of hustle and bustle, we are grateful for the tools that allow us to communicate. Texting, chatting, face-timing, iMessaging, BBM-ing, emailing, facebook and more have all become key cornerstones of our daily lives, allowing us to communicate with those we love, like, and even hate.

With the easy accessibility and variety of choices we have to communicate, are we truly appreciating those we communicate with or the technology that becomes the bridge?

The TOMS shoes remind us to walk on the path of appreciation, kindness, and generosity. During the hustle and bustle of life and this holiday season, we need to take it upon ourselves to ensure we are embodying all that the TOMS represent. We as girlfriends, boyfriends, spouses, lovers, friends, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, etc, need to take it upon ourselves to appreciate those around us. To spread the cheer, to create the domino affect that encourages more people to walk on the path of appreciation, kindness, and generosity. Thank those in your life, appreciate the ones you’ve taken for granted, and be generous with your time and relationships.

The TOMS remind us, our simple act of kindness, can impact the life of someone else tremendously. So lets take this as a reminder, lets use the many tools that we appreciate for bridging our communication, as tools to express our appreciation, kindness, and generosity.

This holiday season, let’s hustle and bustle in our best TOMS.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The New Mainstream Shoes

In a world where online dating has taken us by storm, there are those of us out there that are trying to resist the urge to suddenly don the mainstream shoes.

With entire world working together to make it easier to meet people, to make the world a smaller place, and making it easier to connect, are we really making a better connection? Are we really making it easier to find our soul mates… or is it just becoming a bigger and bigger pile to go through before we find our soul mate?

This new mainstream world is kind of like the chuck shoes. There was a point in time where every person you met had a pair of these really cute looking all-star shoes in all different colors. Unfortunately no one ever discussed the blisters, cuts, and uncomfortableness we all had to go through to break into these shoes. For the desire to become mainstream, we all donned these shoes, and ignored all the blisters, cuts, and pain we had to go through to wear them. Kind of like online dating, has the cost of finding our soul mate become so high, that the price we pay along the way has become worth it?

Whether you decide to mainstream or not, bottom line is, the search, the process, the blisters and pain, perhaps bring us one step closer to finding the person we are looking for. So to deal with the blisters and cuts, lets make sure we have our bandages on to prevent the cuts and scars, and always keep in mind that the decision to mainstream or not has a greater purpose behind it all. Sole-ful living :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Wedding Shoes

Summertime brings about one of our favorites seasons, Wedding Season! Whether we are single, married, looking, committed, or what have you, we all secretly in our heart of hearts love weddings! From dream shoes to dream man/woman, we have all thought about that big day and dreamed of it to be better than anything. So how do you really even know whether you are getting married to the right person for you or not?

Here is a tip, if you are walking down that aisle or waiting at the altar and suddenly while you are SUPPOSED to be thinking of how lucky you are to be marrying the person of your dreams, you have this thought, “I am making the biggest mistake of my life” or “shoot, I don’t know if I am marrying the right person…” and even if this thought is for the briefest instant, a good majority of people that have divorced, said they had this thought when they walked down the aisle or waited at the altar. I don’t know what percentage; it was some large 80% type statistic, but bottom line, if you have that thought as you are JUST about to get married… Do what you have to do, but realize that the signs leading up to point were all there.

Here are some tips to tell whether you are marrying the right person or not… Does this person understand you? How well do they understand you? How often and how much do you fight? Are you guys public in your fights? Does the world know about how many problems you have? Perhaps its not even the problems you need to watch for, because really what couple doesn’t face problems? Perhaps you just need a good look at yourself and ask yourself is this the one person I want to be with for the rest of my and be there for, for the rest of my life? Most important of all, listen to your gut instincts, we routinely ignore what our insides are screaming at us until we have no choice to listen, by then its too late. So listen to your gut before it’s too late. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t right.

Don’t forget, marriage isn’t simply a day, you may wear your wedding shoes physically on that one day, but don’t forget, those are the shoes you walk in for life.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Nude Shoe

In today's fashion generation nude is the new color. It can be spiced up, sexied up, or casual-ed down. Nude makes a fashion statement and played right can take you from casual to special.

Nude goes with all things, and works in all areas... except if we are talking nudity. Nudity is good in only one place... the bedroom. Here is the thing, today the one thing that catches our eye about people we consider for relationships is how much sex appeal do they have. How much skin is this girl showing? How saggy are the guys pants? Is he wearing them too tight or sagging them too much? Is the girl's dress low enough or short enough? To the point where we dress to exacerbate our best bodily features but play down our best inner features.

We forget that there is a charm in coverage and a charm in people that don't need to spruce up their sex appeal just to get attention. Nudity is not the only way to attract attention. In fact the only attention it attracts is the lets get nude together kind. Not the let's get to know each other kind that leads to relationships. Not the kind that puts your personality and kindness on display.

Nude is nude, and absolutely fashionable and great for style. Nudity however is not. Classy relationships have charms in things that are covered and not on display.

classy ^^

trashy ^^

Friday, May 13, 2011

Mismatched Pairs of Shoes

Have you ever found yourself so stressed out in the morning, getting ready for work, not realizing that you put on two different pairs of shoes?

Happens to the best of us. Except now we have the dilemma…which shoe were you trying to wear in the first place? Now your outfit is sending mixed messages to you, to the world, and no one has any clue what fashion trend or style you were trying to pull off.

Just the same, mixed messages in a relationship, or in dating, or when just starting to talk to someone, is never a good sign. We’ve all been there, done that. Maybe even sent a few mixed messages ourselves. If you are trying to figure out if someone likes you or not and keeping needing to justify or clarify what is or what could be, and don’t have a concrete answer… mixed message. If you are trying to figure out if your partner is cheating and suddenly find yourself making excuses for suspicious behavior… mixed messages.

So what to do with all these mixed messages and mismatched shoes? Drop it like it’s hot. You don’t need someone in your life that can’t clearly articulate they want you in their life. You don’t need to deal with someone that is unsure of what they want when you are sure of what you want. Change the shoes, change the outfit, and change the style.

And always remember don’t make someone your priority, when you’re only an option.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Shoes, So to Speak?

Online dating has taken our world by storm these days. The very soles of the relationships that we are seeking today start off at the heels of the technological world. Gone are the days of in person connections and love letter writings. Today, its all about emails, texts, online dating, and other social networks that have brought the world together and made it smaller and larger all at the same time.

So imagine this, you’re out on the prowl one night, and you’ve got your best shoes on and your hottest outfit on. You’re single, ready to mingle, and the world better watch out because you’re out to win. You bump into the perfect someone, 10 on 10, amazing, dressed to match your every style. Then you look down, and notice the laces of their shoes undone or the straps of their heels unbuckled. Automatic illusion shattering. The individual could trip and fall and no longer are they classy and put together.

In the same manner, online dating and networking, someone can have an amazing profile, an amazing picture, and could be the 10 on 10… except when you message them and suddenly they talk in slang. If you are spending more time deciphering the slang that they are talking to you in than processing what they are actually trying to say, you’re going to loose interest fast. Talking in slang breaks the illusion of the 10 on 10, and gives off the shoes unbuckled and too careless to lace. It gives off the vibe that someone will be too careless with you as well. As casual as they are in the language they talk to you in, is how casual they will be in your relationship. Using proper grammar and full sentences show that you are taking the time and effort to get to know someone, you want them to know and understand what you are saying without needing to decipher. You want them to process you and not your language.

Shoes, so to speak, can say a lot about a person. So can your language, so to speak ;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Booty Shoes

The shoes you put on after 9 pm, are never the shoes you stay at home with, they are the shoes that I like to call booty shoes.

How do we distinguish between people in our lives that call us because they are genuinely interested in us and people that just want us for what we so famously call the “booty call”?

Of course we come back to our favorite description, the shoes you wear so late at night are never going to be your home slippers. You wear your hottest heels or your nicest pair of dock martens out to impress and to flirt and have fun. In this same sense, anyone that hangs out with you only at night, or calls you only at night, is not someone you wear your home slippers with. They are what we call the “booty shoes” or the “booty call”.

Anyone that does not take the effort to get to know you when you are wearing your home slippers, is not someone who deserves to see you in your hottest pairs of heels or nicest pairs of dock martens. They care for one thing and one thing only, and that’s booty. They only care to see you look your best, at your best, so why should they get the best of you?

We’re worth more than our best pairs of shoes, and if we are distinguishing between who is a “booty call” and who is a worth more, then we should keep in mind those that make the effort to spend time with us in daylight, get to know us other than the wee hours of the night, are the ones who are truly worth our time, effort, friendships, and energy. And worth our hottest pair of shoes :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Ever-Changing Favorite Shoe

Throughout your life you’ve had a pair of shoes that have been your favorite. Anytime you wear them you feel amazing, look great, and feel great. However, every shoe has a life, and once the life of the shoe is worn out its time to throw them out and find yourself another pair of favorite shoes.

Just like relationships and people that enter your life. For sometime they maybe your favorite person to be with all the time and you may never be able to imagine life without your favorite person. But as we all know, change is constant, and not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. Or be your favorite forever.

So remember that the universe has bigger plans for you than those you have for yourself. You can’t take everyone with you. Send them off with love and well wishes and access to their own plans but send them off nonetheless. Not everyone is a friend but nobody is an enemy. Not everyone belongs in your heart but nobody is heartless. Just hurting. Allow them their hurt. Don’t let them hurt you.

And remember to continue on your journey, even if your favorite shoes are too broken and beyond repair to accompany you. Because in the journey ahead the conditions are rocky and we all deserve a pair of shoes that can protect the soles of our feet through the climb. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Shoe That Doesn't Quite Fit...

This shoe is perfect. Perfect in every sense, look, style, height, except it doesn’t quite fit. We all know the kind of relationship I’m talking about here, the friends with benefits, no strings attached relationships. Because these relationships are perfect in every way but they just don’t quite fit and at the end of the day, you don’t have the shoe or a relationship that fits you perfectly.

You’re perfect for each other, you get each other, you’re best friends, you can talk for hours, sex or hooking up has chemistry that is plain just off the charts. So if it’s all that great why aren’t you in a relationship? Friends with benefits or NSA has become a recent trend these days that most people find themselves in. And sure it works great…for what the first week? You don’t have the same level of commitment that you need to have in a relationship, you can meet up or call each other whenever you want, and you don’t even have to be exclusive. Just like that shoe that doesn’t quite fit. You can deal with it at first, but eventually your toe being crushed all the time doesn’t sound as appealing and the shoe stops looking appealing altogether.

Then god-forbid, you suddenly start wishing that your shoe actually did fit! It suddenly loses it perfect charm, and you realize that your feet actually remember how painful it was to wear it last. That is the problem with Friends with Benefits or NSA relationships, one person will always end up wishing that the shoe actually did fit rather than continue smushing their toe in a shoe that doesn’t quite fit. To keep wearing these shoes just means blisters for your toes, aching feet, and eventual hatred for the shoe that keeps hurting you, no matter how great it is.

Save yourself the trouble, if you find yourself wearing shoes that don’t quite fit, and your other half doesn’t want to help you break them in... well, toss the shoe out. Cause if you keep smushing your toes in shoes that don’t quite fit, how will your feet ever find the shoes that do fit in very way you need them too? 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The slipper and shoe, different as day and night. One seeks to keep your feet out in the open and the other seeks to enclose, yet both can be comfortable and excellent pairs of shoes. Must haves in every closet right?

Well like a slipper and shoe, relationships come in all sorts of different styles and purposes. There are multiple ways to look at this, biracial relationships, bicultural relationships, bi-religious couples, or even a couple that doesn’t have any racial, cultural, religious differences, but are as opposite as day and night! What do these all have in common? Well one is the slipper and the other is the shoe. But does that mean they are not comfortable shoes? Absolutely not. In fact, maybe that’s the beauty of their relationship, the fact that they are so different yet both so comfortable. Comfortable in their own soles.

Speaking of being comfortable in your own soles, these relationships are very special. It takes a special type of comfort to be able to open your world to someone who is not like you, yet you’ve managed to find a connection with him or her. First and foremost in these relationships, be comfortable in your own sole, and in fact, accept your differences. Respect your differences, and create a culture, a religion, or a race you want to practice with your significant other.

You are important. Where you come from will never leave you and will always guide your life, therefore, accept it and understand it. Create a value system, or a culture within your own relationship that you want to maintain. You are very lucky because you get a chance to create and celebrate the best of both worlds in your life. Take the good things from your differences, and make them important in your relationship. Celebrate each other; celebrate the life you wish to create. Decide the way you wish to communicate with each other, because after all only the two of you know what’s the best way to be with each other.

In the end, it’s all about a sole-full life isn’t it? :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Walk through life with a Jimmy Choo

Debating between a pair of shoes that you love is always hard, especially when you have a choice between a really hot, amazing, one of a kind pair of Jimmy Choo’s or a brand-less cute shoe that looks alright but comes for a lot cheaper of a price than a Jimmy Choo.

So what to do? For the one that’s affordable, easy, and nice or the one that is the best, amazing, and hot, but yet so much more difficult to obtain and more expensive?

It depends on what you’re looking for actually and whether you feel the challenge is worth the price. Selecting a brand-less shoe vs. a Jimmy Choo is much like choosing a partner for a relationship. You have the option of deciding whether to be with someone just because it’s easy to be with them and it’s easy to just fall into a pattern but maybe is not worth your time and energy. Maybe you aren’t as invested and only with them because it’s easy. Or you have the option of choosing someone that is a rare find, and requires work to afford, but when you’re with them you know this is it, you know its worth every price you’ve ever paid.

You are special. You are someone worthy of being with someone that is a Jimmy Choo. You are someone whose time, energy, and life are precious. Who you spend your time on, and whom you spend your time with should always be with people you never feel it wasted on. Therefore, the Jimmy Choo will always be difficult to find, difficult to obtain, and may require you to work to make a long lasting, happy relationship. But in the end is worth every penny of the price listed. Because really in the end, you want to walk through your life wearing the Jimmy Choo’s not the brand-less shoe that may or may not last you in the long run.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Every Shoe Has a Charm of its own...

Every Shoe has a charm of its own…

Too tall, too short, too pointed, too rounded, too many laces, no laces, pretty color, ugly color, etc etc etc….

How many times do we find ourselves criticizing the people we meet in life based on what we see? Too many times and too often we pass up some great people because we have decided we don’t like what we see at first.

Every person, and every shoe has a charm of its own. Like an Ugg boot. They are quite possibly the ugliest shoes anyone has ever come across, they are mainly brown, plain, and make your feet look really big. But you get a little closer, and try one on, and instantly you fall in love. You’ve never felt anything softer, or more comfortable than an Ugg boot.

Which is why, we must be individuals that take the time to discover the charm in others. Discover why each person may be special; to understand that if the surface doesn’t appeal at first, it doesn’t mean the inside will look even worse. In fact, you never know who you could discover by giving that person a chance. Maybe you might find something you’ve been searching for all your life.  :)