The shoes you put on after 9 pm, are never the shoes you stay at home with, they are the shoes that I like to call booty shoes.
How do we distinguish between people in our lives that call us because they are genuinely interested in us and people that just want us for what we so famously call the “booty call”?
Of course we come back to our favorite description, the shoes you wear so late at night are never going to be your home slippers. You wear your hottest heels or your nicest pair of dock martens out to impress and to flirt and have fun. In this same sense, anyone that hangs out with you only at night, or calls you only at night, is not someone you wear your home slippers with. They are what we call the “booty shoes” or the “booty call”.
Anyone that does not take the effort to get to know you when you are wearing your home slippers, is not someone who deserves to see you in your hottest pairs of heels or nicest pairs of dock martens. They care for one thing and one thing only, and that’s booty. They only care to see you look your best, at your best, so why should they get the best of you?
We’re worth more than our best pairs of shoes, and if we are distinguishing between who is a “booty call” and who is a worth more, then we should keep in mind those that make the effort to spend time with us in daylight, get to know us other than the wee hours of the night, are the ones who are truly worth our time, effort, friendships, and energy. And worth our hottest pair of shoes :)
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